0048 22 646 93 14

3 Parndon House, Valley Hill
Loughton IG10 3AX, UK


In the over 20-year history of our company, we have worked for large corporations (KGHM Polska Miedź, PGE, PSE, GAZ-SYSTEM), for medium-sized companies whose dynamic growth required organize processes, as well as for smaller and younger organizations.

Our clients included enterprises from many industries, from film production studios and publishing, through telecommunications and distribution companies, to the aviation industry, mining, metallurgy and line investments.

This shows that the methods we have developed are truly scalable and applicable to any company that implements projects and has the ambition to do it more efficiently and effectively.

Although we have configured management systems for many strategic mega-projects and investment programs in Poland, we do not think that the scale of projects in which we have participated made us stand out.

Our distinguishing feature and greatest advantage is the fact that we are able to apply the knowledge about management (sometimes called „theory”) in practice. The ability to reduce complexity, flexible thinking combined with great organizational intuition allow us to find practical solutions for projects and organizations that often escape the textbook descriptions of the model world.

It is known that it cannot be done well, quickly and cheaply at the same time :)

However, we use scalable methods that can easily fit any budget. Contact us and tell us about your challenges. We will advise you which of our solutions will bring the greatest benefits to your budget.

TenStep is based on and consistent with the standards and guides issued by PMI. This applies to standards in the area of project management as well as programs or portfolios.

What distinguishes us from PMI is that we have transformed the general guidelines and good practices contained in the issued standards into practical and scalable methods, procedures, rules and tools – which is also in line with the approach promoted by PMI:

„PMBOK Guide® is not a methodology (…), it is the foundation on which organizations can create methodologies, policies, procedures, rules, tools and methods as well as life cycles required in the application of project management” (PMI 2017, PMBOK Guide®, 6th Edition, p. 2).

As projects differ, the set of processes, tools and methods must be properly selected to enable effective management.

While PMI creates and develops standards, for 20 years we have been involved in the proper adjustment of management methods to the organizations and projects carried out by our clients organizations.

Although we do not know a single company where the PRINCE2 method was actually implemented, we worked for those that had a more or less successful attempt to implement it.

From our perspective, the fact of implementing consistent project management methods is a very good sign. Regardless of what these methods are, it is important that they are effective and we help in achieving effectiveness.

If we were to get a zloty every time someone asks us this question, we would be… well, maybe not millionaires, but certainly much richer.

IT solutions are secondary to policies, procedures and management methods. The best IT tool in the area of project management is one that fits the processes of the applying organization and the nature of the project. A software house has completely different needs than General Executor of Investments.

What we most often recommend is not a specific tool, but an approach:

  • First, choosing a management method, then preparing a methodology, policy or procedures. Only then can you think about implementing selected processes and tools into the IT system.
  • The requirements for the system are determined by the customer, not the IT department. The IT department is looking for solutions that will meet the customer’s requirements, and does not offer solutions that they already know or like.

It’s all kind of obvious, but if we were to get a zloty from every company where it looks different …

Yes. We grant two types of certificates: TenStep Project Management (TSPM ™) and Foundation TenStep Project Management (Fn-TSPM ™).

They are the counterparts of the Project Management Professional (PMP®) and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) certificates issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI). In Poland, we already have 1,538 certified managers in the TenStep system.

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